Convington Orthodontics For All Ages

Orthodontics for All Ages
in Covington

A beautiful smile has no age limit! We believe that everyone deserves to have an amazing smile, which is why we provide orthodontics for all ages – children, teens, and adults.

Orthodontics in Covington

What is orthodontics for all ages?

Everyone deserves to feel confident in their smile — age should not be a factor. Taking a comprehensive approach to orthodontics, we straighten teeth for all ages, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Our orthodontic treatments are tailored to meet the unique needs of children, teens, and adults, ensuring that you or your child receive the proper care to achieve a bright, confident smile.

Did you know…

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According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), about one in every four orthodontic patients is over the age of 18.

Ready to
schedule your appointment?

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Goodbye, Goopy Impressions

Using our state-of-the-art Carestream scanner, your dentist can capture a 3D impression of your mouth in just a few minutes. This fully digital process means that messy putty is now a thing of the past!

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Looking To Discreetly Align Your Smile?

Clear aligners can gradually shift your teeth into the strong, straight smile of your dreams — without anyone noticing. If you’re looking for a metal and bracket-free approach to treatment, talk to your dentist about our clear aligner options.

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Tooth-Colored Braces

Interested in braces but looking for a less noticeable option? Ceramic braces are made out of a translucent ceramic material that matches the natural color of your teeth. It’s a great way to get all the benefits of traditional braces, without shiny metals or bright colors.

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Lightforce Braces

Start your orthodontic journey with braces tailored to you. 3D Printed Lightforce Braces are personalized with precision and tailored to your unique dental anatomy, bringing a new level of comfort and efficiency. No one-size-fits-all approach here – our braces are personalized, ensuring a snug fit that accelerates your smile transformation.

Keeping Care Affordable
Flexible Monthly Options
In-House Financing
Free Consultations

Options For Every Budget

We understand that orthodontic treatment is a big investment. That’s why we offer a variety of flexible solutions to help you finance treatment on your terms.

Our Treatments

Early Interceptive Orthodontics For Children

Starting orthodontic treatment at a young age can prevent more complex issues later in life. We provide early interceptive orthodontics when necessary to guide jaw growth and tooth alignment, giving your child a strong foundation for a beautiful, healthy smile.

Orthodontics for Adults

Achieve the stunning smile you've always wanted. Our adult orthodontic treatments are designed to provide efficient and discreet solutions, so you can enjoy a transformed smile without affecting your professional or social life.

Orthodontics For Teens

Whether it's traditional braces or discreet clear aligners, we offer a variety of orthodontic options to suit even the most image-conscious teenager, giving them the confidence they need during these crucial years of development.

The Orthodontic Treatment Process


During your initial consultation, our expert team will assess your dental needs, discuss your goals, and determine the most appropriate orthodontic treatment for you or your family member.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Once we've evaluated your needs, we will create a customized treatment plan designed to achieve the best possible results in the shortest amount of time.

Regular Check-Ups

Throughout the course of your or your child’s chosen orthodontic treatment, you'll attend regular check-ups to monitor your progress, make adjustments as needed, and ensure you receive the best possible care.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.
Orthodontics for All Ages

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

When should my child have their first orthodontic check-up?

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We recommend that children have their first orthodontic check-up around age 7, when their permanent teeth begin to emerge and potential issues can be more easily identified.

Are braces the only option for children, or are there other alternatives?

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While braces are often the most common solution for children, we also offer other treatment options like expanders and functional appliances, depending on your child's specific needs.

How long will my teenager need to wear braces or aligners?

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The length of treatment varies, but most teenagers wear braces or aligners for 1-3 years, depending on the complexity of the case and their individual treatment plan.

Can my teenager participate in sports while wearing braces or aligners?

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Yes! We can recommend appropriate mouthguards for teenagers with braces, and removable aligners can be easily taken out during sports activities, ensuring your teen stays protected while enjoying their favorite activities.

What types of orthodontic treatment options are available for adults?

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Adults have various orthodontic treatment options, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and ceramic braces.

Is it too late for adults to get orthodontic treatment?

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It's never too late for adults to consider orthodontic treatment. In fact, about 1 in 4 orthodontic patients are over 18! Age is not a barrier, and many adults have successfully achieved their desired results through orthodontics.

Blanchard Orthodontics | Karen and Grayson

Settle in and smile.

Get Started on Exceptional Orthodontic Care